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Tiana Nguyen


Hello! My name is Tiana Nguyen, and I am a junior at Irvington High School who is currently serving as your secretary for the 2019-2020 term! Prior to high school, I always felt a strong admiration for service clubs as different people could come together to spark a change in the world. When seeing Key Club’s board at Maze Day, I knew in my heart that I wanted to immerse myself further into Division 12 East (thankfully I listened to my gut!) As an underclassman exploring Key Club, I felt strongly about the club’s purpose, which was to bring service who needed it the most. I wanted to make a change within our community and improve the lives of those associated with PTP and MNT. I never fail to be amazed by the endless amount of dedication, love, and support from my peers in Key Club. By joining Key Club, you get the experience of having a second family, the chance to make new friends, leadership, and memories that you’ll keep beyond high school! 

PS. I do not condone the interests of our outreach director, Jaden Wei, who enjoys breeding bunnies and participating in turtle races.

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