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Samantha Chou

Project Director

HELLO! My name is Samantha Chou. I am a junior at Irvington High School and one of your project coordinators for the 2019-2020 term!! I first learned about Key Club as a freshman while checking out club booths during MAZE day. I paid my dues but ended up only going to the intro meeting both freshman and sophomore year, oops. Luckily, I have a friend who encouraged me to apply for a non exec officer position and I went for it! I’m really excited to be a part of Key Club and to be a project coordinator this year. So far, I’ve already made new friends and experienced new things that I hope all of you will be able to too! Key Club is a great club because you can participate in service events, develop leadership skills, and enjoy the company of the amazing peers that surround you.  Now here’s a bit more about me!! I play volleyball and I primarily jump for track during school seasons. Some other hobbies I enjoy are lettering, reading line webtoons, and listening to music. To close this bio off, I’ll probably be swamped with APs and SATs throughout the year, but don’t hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you might have! :))

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