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Krishna Vachhani 

HEY HEY HEY KEY CLUBBERS! My name is Krishna Vachhani and I'm super duper excited and honored to serve as your 2016-2017 Irvington Key Club President. I like classical music, reading, painting my nails, and strawberries. My goals for this year include continuing the increased membership and popularity of Key Club at our school. Why? Because I want others to see how much good all you superheroes do and to be inspired by our work. Every little service event, no matter how random it may seem, makes a positive impact on our community, and I want everyone to experience the satisfaction of making a difference. My very first service event is what got me so involved in Key Club and has brought me to where I am now. Don't be afraid to get involved and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns! 

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